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young people and community members engaged with our workshops, programmes and social events in 2021-2022.

10 young adults

completed our online ‘Side Hustle Programme’ during lockdown in collaboration with Peabody in 2021.

2 Youth Led Projects

2 x 6-months youth led projects delivered in 2022:

#BRINGING US BACK Events Project and BigSis Girls Group Mentoring Project.

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7 skills based workshops delivered in 2022.

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5 youth and community events

co-produced and delivered with young people and community members from across London.

42 Volunteers 

were involved with our work, including young people volunteering at workshops and events.


38 1:1 Mentoring Sessions 

provided alongside our youth-led projects.

31 Young Creatives 

accessed a space to network, connect and express their talent at our social events.

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14 Young People and Adults 

gained technical event planning, project management and creative skills. 

8 Young Adults

started and developed their own enterprise idea.

16 Young People

increased their mental health and wellbeing.

9 Young Adults

secured employment and gained their first ever job!

19 Programme Partners 

19 is the number of programme partners we collaborated with and or delivered to last year
including Skyway Charity, Natio
nal Youth Agency, KokesTV, Peabody, Petok Productions, Party Entertainment People and Love Your Culture and Young Spenders.

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